Hire A Hubby Ringwood

Property Maintenance Service in Ringwood, Ringwood North and Warranwood

HELP is Just a Stone's Throw Away!

Do you have “that list of jobs” you need done and never have the time? Then call me, Ben, from your local Hire-A-Hubby business in Ringwood. You won’t regret it!

Did You Know?...
Hire A Hubby is Australia’s largest handyman network. We’re fully insured and provide customers from homes, offices and factories with a complete property maintenance service.

Credentials include:
- Police checked
- Workmanship Guarantee
- Fully insured.

Because we service homes and businesses in Ringwood, Ringwood North and Warranwood, we’re often working in your street or just around the corner – now that’s handy!

Look out for us, the local handymen in magenta shirts, and say hello.

Ben Jones - Hire A Hubby Ringwood

Below are just a few of the many services we offer.
- Kitchens & bathrooms
- Gates & Fencing
- Pool fence repairs
- Wall & Floor Tiling
- Shower/bath sealing
- Doors & Windows
- Roof Leaks & Repairs
- Gutter Protection
- Office Maintenance
- Plastering
- Carpentry
- Painting
- Gardening
- Locks & Screens
- Fascia Repairs
- Rubbish Removal
- Picture Hanging
- Flat-pack Assembly

We are your Property rentals and sales specialists!

Local business